Pott Shrigley Class 3 2023 - 2024

Mrs Novacki

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Fairhurst

Class 3 Teacher

June 2024


A very warm welcome back to the second half of our Summer term! The children produced some fantastic pieces of work last half term and had some amazing experiences, and I can't wait to see the things they will achieve this half term.

As always, this half term is very busy during the lead up to the end of the academic year, with plenty of exciting opportunities and trips planned for Class 3!

In English we are starting our new text, 'On the Origin of Species' by Sabina Radeva. The aim of this picture book adaptation is to explain in an accessible and inspiring way the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin, which I have no doubt the children will find fascinating. The children will be building upon the writing skills they excelled in last term through composing a discovery narrative and penning an explanation text on an animal of their choice. As usual, the children blew me away with their writing last half term, and I cannot wait to see what they produce in this one! 

This half term, the children put back on their 'Geographer Hats' and explore the topic of Europe and Trade. They will be looking at the Uk's key imports and exports, how this effects our economy and comparing it to other countries within Europe. They will be taking part in class debates and doing in-depth research. In Design and Technology, the children will look at the culture of our school and how this influences the food we eat. It will culminate in us carrying out our own research to create a class menu that the children will prepare and cook themselves!

In Maths, the children will be learning about time, statistics, position and shape, which they will apply to number work and reasoning problems. We will be using concrete, pictorial and abstract resources to secure our knowledge and develop our mastery skills. Please keep an eye out on our Class Padlet for what your child will be doing throughout the week. 

In Science we are looking at Evolution and Inheritance. The children will be competing in the 'Game of Survival' where they will earn points for completing tasks such as creating their own animal to adapt to an extreme environment, creating Top Trumps of dog breeds and researching evolutionary scientists to discover the importance of their work.

In RE, the children will be exploring the question, 'Is death an ending or a beginning?' It is a sensitive topic, exploring the concept of life after death and hope after loss. I have no doubt the children will tackle it with grace and maturity. In Computing we will be exploring effective searching, where the children will be gaining key skills that will help them greatly throughout their lives. It will also give children opportunities to discuss their experiences of using ICT and how it is used in the wider world, as well as finding fun 'easter eggs' for them to share at home. 

Homework in Class 3 will be weekly spellings, sent home on a Monday for the children to learn and return by the following Monday, ready for our weekly spelling test. There are numerous ways that children can learn spellings to help apply them to their work, so please do ask if you would like advice on how to best support your child with this. All children have their Spelling Frame log ins to help them at home. 

Reading remains a core part of our curriculum. The children have frequent opportunities to practice independent, guided and whole class reading. As a school, we would ask that you please read with your child at home as much as possible, to keep their love of literature consistent and contribute to the development of their fluency and comprehension skills, which are invaluable across the curriculum.

The children will continue to be active throughout the week, working with the fantastic AT Sports on Thursday afternoons and Sports Club after school on Tuesdays, so please ensure your child has the correct kit and water bottle on those days.

If parents have any queries or are worried about anything in particular in regards to their child, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Mrs Willis.

Warmest wishes 

Mrs Fairhurst

Files to Download

Pott Shrigley Class 3: News items

Heads Up 29th September, by Mrs Paton

Heads Up 15th September, by Mrs Paton

Pott Shrigley Class 3: Gallery items

Children in Need, by Mrs Paton

Remembrance Day, by Miss Millington

We would love to hear from you
Pott Shrigley Church School
Shrigley Road, Pott Shrigley, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 5RT

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