Pott Shrigley Class 1 2023 - 2024

Mrs Kirkpatrick

Mrs Willis

Summer Term 2024

Welcome back everyone - I can’t believe it is Summer Term already!

We had a great half term and I have seen so much progress in the children since I started back in January which has been wonderful to see. Over the next few weeks and months we will be preparing the children for their transition to their next Year Group.

This term we are thinking about ‘What Grows in our Garden’ and have introduced a Garden centre Role play area in our classroom which the children have loved exploring. We have also been doing some planting and can’t wait to see the progress of our seeds! We have planted Dwarf French Beans.

We are using Ready Steady Write for English and this term we are looking at The Extraordinary Gardener. This is all about a little boy who loves gardening and he will be teaching us how to plant and look after seeds! We will then use what we learnt to write our own instructions. We are also working on our sentence skills to develop our writing skills.

In Phonics we are continuing to practice our sounds and we have worked really hard on using the sounds we learn in our writing. We are now working in Phonics groups so that the children’s learning can be tailored better to their needs. The children will also be bringing home a Phonics reading book each week which will be in line with what they have learnt in school.

We are working hard in Maths and looking at Place Value to develop our understanding of numbers. We will also continue to practice our number bonds to 10 as these help in so many different areas of Maths. Please continue to practice them at home too if you can!

We are looking at Antoni Gaudi in Art this term and the children will be creating their own Gaudi inspired art work. I can’t wait to see their creations!

In Science we are looking at Plants. In Computing we continue to use Purple Mash.

All children in Class 1 have access to continuous provision to develop their characteristics of learning through playing and exploring, active learning, creating and thinking critically.

If you have any questions or require any further information, please don't hesitate to ask me.

Best wishes.

Mrs Kirkpatrick



Pott Shrigley Class 1: News items

Heads Up 29th September, by Mrs Paton

Heads Up 15th September, by Mrs Paton

Pott Shrigley Class 1: Gallery items

Class 1 @ The Beach, by Mrs Paton

Shrove Tuesday, by Mrs Paton

We would love to hear from you
Pott Shrigley Church School
Shrigley Road, Pott Shrigley, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 5RT

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