Pott Shrigley Class 2 2023 - 2024

Miss Millington

Summer Term 2

Welcome to our last half term of the academic year. I’m sure you’ll agree that this last year at school has gone by in a flash. The children never fail to amaze me with their continuous hard work. They embrace every challenge and new experience and as we approach the last few weeks of the summer term, I look forward to the events that it brings including Sports Day and the Rose Queen fete.

In English, we start by exploring the book, Rhythm of the Rain by Grahame Baker-Smith. This is a beautifully written and illustrated book that follows Isaac’s journey along the river. This book will inspire the children to write a setting narrative and information leaflet. This also ties in with our geography unit, Rivers and Oceans. We will learn about the water cycle and how rivers are formed. As we follow the journey of the river to the ocean, children will learn key geographical vocabulary and understand what happens to the land as the river flows and how rivers and oceans are important for trade, industry, and tourism. 

In maths, alongside continuing to secure our multiplication tables, we will learn about length and perimeter. We will also spend time consolidating our learning and revisiting previous methods to ensure that we have secure knowledge of fundamental mathematical concepts before progressing in to our new year groups.

We will take part in a class trip to the RHS Bridgewater to tie in with our science unit this half term, Living Things and their Habitats. We will have chance to hunt for insects living in microhabitats and will learn how to classify as we understand the difference between living, dead, and never been alive. We will explore food chains and the conditions that creatures need to survive. The children are very excited to visit the Blue Peter Garden to see what they are growing!

In Design and Technology, we will learn about different mechanisms and the children will have the chance to create and design river pictures using sliders and levers.

During our RE lessons, we will be looking at harvest festivals in Christianity and world religions. The children will learn the different ways in which harvest is celebrated and why it is important to be thankful for the produce that we have.

The children of Class 2, will continue to learn recorders with the Love Music Trust. I have to say, they have made exceptional progress and I am delighted that they will be performing the music that they have learnt to parents in a mini concert in July. They have really embraced learning an instrument and we have some naturally musical children in our Pott Shrigley family.

Reading remains a crucial part of the curriculum.  In Class 2 we aim to read as regularly as possible.  Children will take part in one to one reading sessions, whole class guided reading, and reading for pleasure.  We would ask that you please read with your child as much as possible at home too.  Either reading to them or listening to them read for ten minutes every day can have a huge impact on their progress which is vital for developing not only fluency and comprehension, but for accessing all areas of the curriculum. 

For homework in class 2 we will send spellings home on a Monday for your child to learn and return by the following Monday, ready for our weekly spelling test.  There are lots of different ways that children can learn spellings to help embed and apply them in their work.  If you require any assistance with the spelling homework, please do ask. 

We remain as active as ever here at Pott Shrigley and the children will continue PE lessons with AT Sports Coaching on Thursday afternoons. Please ensure that the children have the appropriate kit for each activity and bring a water bottle to school daily. We would also ask that now that the weather will hopefully be getting warmer, please make sure that the children have a hat and come to school wearing sun cream. 

We are very lucky to have Miss Pearson in Class 2 four days a week and Mrs Donnerly each morning, who help support the children with their learning. 

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries or concerns. 



Pott Shrigley Class 2: News items

Heads Up 29th September, by Mrs Paton

Heads Up 15th September, by Mrs Paton

Pott Shrigley Class 2: Gallery items

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Pott Shrigley Church School
Shrigley Road, Pott Shrigley, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 5RT

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